Online Grinds from


Leaving Cert Experts offer qualified teachers at the top of their field running affordable, interactive and weekly live classes.

leaving cert experts

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Leaving Cert Experts offer!

The Best Option

Why learn with Leaving Cert Experts?

Leaving Cert Experts offer online weekly grinds from experienced teachers.

Learn Anywhere

Get the best Education, anywhere on any device.

Fully Qualified

All of our teachers are fully qualified and Garda Vetted.

Curriculum Based

All of our teachers follow an exam-focused curriculum.

leaving cert experts
Upgrade your skills

Leaving Cert Experts
Revision Courses

Leaving Cert Experts run Leaving Certificate Revision Courses at Easter and Christmas. 

Our courses come with fantastic summary notes that are tailored to produce exam results. Our teachers focus on the areas where marks are awarded and how to best avoid common student pitfalls.


Click on the link below to learn more.

Missed a class?

All our classes are recorded and available for you to review should you miss a Leaving Cert Experts Class.

Qualified Teachers

All of our teachers are fully qualified and Garda Vetted.

Large Range of Subjects.

We have classes and courses running in a large variety of subjects.

Choose your subjects

Exam-focused and Interactive

Our classes are exam-focused and marking scheme informed. 

Online courses
Online courses
% Satisfaction

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At Leaving Cert Experts we offer weekly live grinds classes with our expert teachers through Zoom. Currently we offer grinds in Biology, Maths (HL & OL), English, Irish, French, German, Spanish, Chemistry, History, Geography, Accounting, Ag. Science, Home Economics, Physics and Business. We add new subjects all the time based on demand!

We have students from across Ireland signed up to our classes. These include 5th and 6th year students from all counties in Ireland! Many of our students are happy to do grinds from the comfort of home with expert teachers. These include students who are pushing for H1 results and students that are hoping to achieve a pass result. We also have students that live far from other available grinds or cities for traditional grinds. We cater for students who wish to do an additional subject outside of school and also can accommodate any students that are homeschooled or unwell.

Our grinds classes provide flexibility for students, and they are not tied into a year-long contract. Most of our students attend each week for the school year as they are so helpful, however if a student no longer requires the grinds they can finish whenever suits them. If a student misses a class due to illness or other personal reasons the students will not be charged for this class. Definitely the most flexible grinds in Ireland!


Students can interact in the classes as much as they choose. We limit our numbers so students can unmute themselves during live classes to ask questions or they can type their questions into the chat box also. Students generally do not require their cameras to be on to maintain their privacy.


The classes are weekly classes similar to grinds except they are online through Zoom. They last an hour or so. Our teachers can share their screen online to students in the class. To make sure it is useful we limit our class numbers so people can ask questions and interact when they like.

Also included will be access to a teacher when needed and key hints, resources and tips. Students are added to a private group containing notes. The classes are ideal for students pushing for good results or for those who need extra assistance. The weekly classes are only €20 weekly per subject but we have a 10% discount on three subjects.


Payment is through a simple PayPal link. Students only pay for two classes in advance and then can make the transfer each weekend in advance of the classes. If students wish they can transfer multiple weeks in advance but that is up to them. When making transfers please ensure to include the students’ name so we can track the payments. Alternatively, we also offer payment through Revolut or ordinary bank transfer if that is an issue.

The teachers can record their class and save it as a video. This can be sent out to students that have missed classes and allows them to watch the class at a time that suits them. This can also be replayed, and students can pause, rewind etc. during the classes. Please note students will not be recorded.


As a growing organisation we are constantly increasing our student numbers and always need excellent teachers to run additional classes in existing subjects or brand-new subjects. Get in touch with us by email with a little bit about yourself and we will make contact.