The following topics will be covered throughout the course of the year

Overview of Course- guidance of layout of exam, timing in each section, and what’s expected in each area. 

Term 1

The Mole and Stoichiometry

Acid Base Volumetric Analysis

Redox Volumetric Analysis

Gas Laws

Chemical Bonding

Term 2 

Rates of Reaction

Chemical Equilibrium

The Atom

Periodic Table and Trends

Arrangement of Electrons

Fuels and Thermochemistry

Term 3

Organic Chemistry



Term 4

pH and Indicator

Stoichiometry calculations

Experiment Revision

Q4 MCQ Revision

As the chemistry course is 38% of the entire course there will be a lot of focus on this to maximise  results in your exam. Full comprehensive notes and study resources will be provided on each chapter. There will be in depth revision after each term on the topics covered