The Spanish weekly classes will include the following elements throughout the course of the year 

Course Outline: Layout of the Paper, & Timing on each section.


Building vocabulary including synonyms.

Past exam paper practice, identifying exam patterns, and how to best answer each section for optimum marks.


Opinion pieces to include the following topics:



Technology, social networks etc

Young people

Poverty/ homelessness

Ireland today/ Spain today




Grammar – all tenses covered (past, present, future)

Dialogue practice from past exam and mock papers with all solutions given



Layout, practice and exam paper practice


Listening Component:

Listening practice – building on this from week to week- Key vocabulary given each week on each topic


Oral Component:

All oral topics covered. Notes for each topic such as:

La familia/ Mi Barrio/Mi Casa/ El colegio/ Mis pasatiempos/ La comida/ La dieta/ Las tareas domésticas/ El trabajo/ Mi rutina/ Planes para el futuro/ El verano pasado… etc

Full comprehensive notes and study materials given. Students will be added to a private group where all the exam material & notes will be  uploaded each week and access to the teacher when needed is also available.

Classes are priced at €20. Term payments are also available with significant discounts.